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Open Enrollment – You’re Not Done Yet!

We just wanted to check in and see how everyone’s doing. From the feedback we’ve received, it sounds like many of you have had a very successful open enrollment period. And the numbers we’ve seen from the individual and Medicare products we offer seem to confirm that.

Big Increase in Medicare Premiums, Cost Sharing

The Medicare Annual Election Period just ended, and chances are that you got an earful from clients about next year’s Medicare Part B premium. While the amount consumers pay for Medicare Part B goes up every year, the 2022 increase is unusually large—about 15 percent.

How Often Do You Check Email?

Email is an amazing productivity tool. It allows us to keep in touch with clients and colleagues at all hours of the day and night, and while phone calls and face-to-face meetings still have their place, it’s much more efficient than these other forms of communication.

Be sure to remind clients about COVID-19 cost sharing

Insurance is confusing. But it’s even more confusing when it changes frequently. And, thanks to COVID, there have been a LOT of changes in the last couple years.

Lots of Competition Among Medicare Advantage Plans

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Medicare Advantage is a huge opportunity for agents. Nearly every senior over the age of 65 has health insurance, the majority through the federal Medicare program. And, among the Medicare population, 42 percent have coverage through a Medicare Advantage plan according to a recent report from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF).

Ready? Set? Sell! An Open Enrollment Checklist for Agents

At AHCP, we LOVE it that agents find value in our blog posts, Motivation Monday webinars, and the other training tools we provide. But there’s other great information out there, including the Quotit blog. Quotit is a sister company of AHCP, and you can also find some great tips by reading our blog posts under the Quotit banner.

When can individuals waive group coverage and get a subsidy?

Under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the premium tax credits were increased for individuals at all income levels and the “subsidy cliff” at 400% of the federal poverty level was eliminated through the end of 2022. We discuss how substantial the enhanced premium tax credits are in our June 25 blog post.

CMS Fact Sheet Helps Clients Determine Whether to Enroll in Medicare

The annual election period for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D plans began on October 15, and with more people working past age 65, you may run into some individuals who are trying to determine whether they should sign up for Medicare or stay on their employer-sponsored health plan. To help them make that decision, CMS has created a checklist-style “Fact Sheet” that you may want to share with them.

This Year’s Open Enrollment Period Could Be Big

This year has flown by. We’re only weeks away from the start of another open enrollment period in the individual market, and all signs are pointing to this being a big one. Are you ready?

HSA Limits for 2022

The Internal Revenue Service has announced the 2022 deductible, out-of-pocket, and contribution limits for Health Savings Accounts (HSA). Here they are:

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