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Why You Should Be Selling Life Insurance to Millennials

Even when nothing’s biting, fishing can be a fun and relaxing activity. We get a chance to be outdoors, and if we go with someone else, the time spent together can be enjoyable. Still, “catching…a bunch of fish,” as Outdoors Weekly points out, “is the main reason that we go fishing.” And to accomplish this goal, we need to find hungry fish. Here’s some advice the magazine provides in a recent article: To consistently catch fish, we first need to find them. However, at times just finding the fish isn’t enough. You’ve got to find the fish that are willing to eat your bait.

Don’t Be Afraid to Sell HMOs

As advisors, our job is to evaluate our client’s situation and make customized recommendations about health insurance and other types of coverage. Unfortunately, some agents are guilty of telling clients what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear; instead of recommending cost-saving solutions that are outside the client’s comfort zone, some advisors adopt a “don’t rock the boat” strategy, narrowing their plan recommendations to those that satisfy their client’s wants but not necessarily their needs.

Sales Tip: Talk in Terms of Net Coverage

Life is full of risks, and as insurance agents, we help our clients reduce their exposure to some of these risks by selling them products that will indemnify them if they have a covered loss. However, as we all know, most insurance policies—and this is certainly true when talking about health insurance—do not provide total protection, and it’s impossible to insure everything.

Teaming Up To Get More Leads

A lot of independent agents work in a silo. They communicate with their clients and prospects but rarely interact with other brokers. And that’s a shame. Not only is there a lot to learn by getting to know your peers, but it could also help you get more leads and sell more business.

Do you have a great website? Here’s how to get one.

As we recently explained, the habits that both agents and their clients developed during the COVID-19 lockdown will continue well after we return to the office. Specifically, people are now accustomed to shopping online, so there will likely be less demand for face-to-face meetings in the months ahead.

How to Sell Health Insurance Over the Phone

After two months of sheltering in place, most brokers have figured out how to work from home. You’ve probably set up a workspace if you didn’t have one already, downloaded and mastered some type of virtual meeting software, and learned how to service your clients without going into the office. But have you actually been selling new business over the past few weeks? If not, perhaps you need to polish your phone sales skills.

Your place or mine? Where do you sell health insurance?

These days, more and more insurance is being sold online or over the phone. This is certainly a more efficient way to do business. It allows agents to sell business without ever talking to the client. Quoting and enrollment tools like Quotit can help brokers put their business on auto-pilot; brokers can make sales even when they’re not at work.

Where do you get your business?

Insurance agents get leads from a variety of sources.

Freelancers Need Health Insurance

The world is changing. More and more people are working from home, doing side jobs, and trying desperately not to spend their lives “working for the man.” How much is the freelance workforce growing? A lot. According to a recent report by Fiverr, an online marketplace for freelance services, there are “approximately 57.3 million freelancers in the US currently contributing $1.4 trillion to the economy,” and “it is anticipated that freelancers and independent workers will make up the majority of the workforce in the US within 10 years.”

Do Visual Learners Buy Insurance Over the Phone?

In May, The Hill reported that “A crowd broke out into chants of ‘PowerPoint, PowerPoint, PowerPoint,’ at Democratic presidential hopeful and entrepreneur Andrew Yang’s” rally in Seattle after the candidate announced that he would use PowerPoint in his State of the Union address if he wins the election. Yang has admitted that his is “the nerdiest presidential campaign in history,” but clearly his idea has resonated with some voters.

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