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Like Everything Else, Drug Prices Are Increasing

You’ve probably well aware that inflation is the highest it’s been in decades. Some say this was to be expected since we’re coming out of a two-year pandemic. Others point to supply chain issues caused, in part, by Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Others blame the Biden administration’s economic policy. Still others point out the record profits that companies are making and say the price increases are driven by nothing more than corporate profits. Who knows – it could be a combination of all these factors.

Open Enrollment – You’re Not Done Yet!

We just wanted to check in and see how everyone’s doing. From the feedback we’ve received, it sounds like many of you have had a very successful open enrollment period. And the numbers we’ve seen from the individual and Medicare products we offer seem to confirm that.

Big Increase in Medicare Premiums, Cost Sharing

The Medicare Annual Election Period just ended, and chances are that you got an earful from clients about next year’s Medicare Part B premium. While the amount consumers pay for Medicare Part B goes up every year, the 2022 increase is unusually large—about 15 percent.

Lots of Competition Among Medicare Advantage Plans

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Medicare Advantage is a huge opportunity for agents. Nearly every senior over the age of 65 has health insurance, the majority through the federal Medicare program. And, among the Medicare population, 42 percent have coverage through a Medicare Advantage plan according to a recent report from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF).

CMS Fact Sheet Helps Clients Determine Whether to Enroll in Medicare

The annual election period for Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D plans began on October 15, and with more people working past age 65, you may run into some individuals who are trying to determine whether they should sign up for Medicare or stay on their employer-sponsored health plan. To help them make that decision, CMS has created a checklist-style “Fact Sheet” that you may want to share with them.

Medicare Provides Relief for Many Seniors

Nobody likes getting older. In fact, many of us dread our birthdays, reasoning that there’s nothing to look forward to after age 21. At 40 we’re “over the hill”; at 50 we get our invitation to join AARP; and at 62 we’re eligible for Social Security, which would be nice if it wasn’t also referred to as “Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance.”

Dental and Vision Coverage Could Be Added to Medicare

It’s far from a done deal, but the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill Democrats in Congress hope to pass could expand Medicare to include dental and vision coverage. As Fierce Healthcare explains, “an expansion of benefits for Medicare has been a longtime priority for Democrats and Schumer, who tweeted in June that the lack of those benefits leaves a ‘gaping hole’ in Medicare coverage.”

Part A Coverage Is Retroactive If You Sign Up After Age 65

You probably know about the initial enrollment period for Medicare. It starts three months before your 65th birthday, includes your birthday month, and continues for three months after your birthday month. But did you know that you can actually sign up for premium-free Medicare Part A “any time during or after your Initial Enrollment Period starts” and that the coverage is backdated if you sign up after you turn 65? Here’s what the website says:

CMS transition to new Medicare Beneficiary Identifier is complete

As AHCP first reported nearly two years ago, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has been working to replace everyone’s Medicare card and assign them a new Medicare number, known as a Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI). As of January 1, 2020, that process is complete and CMS will no longer process claims that are submitted with the old number.

Plan F no longer an option for new Medicare beneficiaries

As a reminder, Medicare supplement plan F is no longer an option for new Medicare enrollees. Anyone aging into or signing up for Medicare on or after January 1, 2020, will not be able to purchase a Plan F Medigap plan. Plan C is also being eliminated as an option for new enrollees.

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