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SEP Extended to August 15

As you probably know, President Biden signed an executive order shortly after being sworn into office creating a three-month special enrollment period in the individual market due to the COVID health emergency so that people who do not have health insurance would have the opportunity to sign up. The SEP began February 15 and was scheduled to end May 15.

Four Different Types of Deductibles

Most people find insurance confusing. For agents, this isn’t a big surprise; we see the confusion on our clients’ faces when we try to explain their options to them, and we regularly hear clients use insurance terms like copay and coinsurance interchangeably.

Why You Should Be Selling Life Insurance to Millennials

Even when nothing’s biting, fishing can be a fun and relaxing activity. We get a chance to be outdoors, and if we go with someone else, the time spent together can be enjoyable. Still, “catching…a bunch of fish,” as Outdoors Weekly points out, “is the main reason that we go fishing.” And to accomplish this goal, we need to find hungry fish. Here’s some advice the magazine provides in a recent article: To consistently catch fish, we first need to find them. However, at times just finding the fish isn’t enough. You’ve got to find the fish that are willing to eat your bait.

Don’t Be Afraid to Sell HMOs

As advisors, our job is to evaluate our client’s situation and make customized recommendations about health insurance and other types of coverage. Unfortunately, some agents are guilty of telling clients what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear; instead of recommending cost-saving solutions that are outside the client’s comfort zone, some advisors adopt a “don’t rock the boat” strategy, narrowing their plan recommendations to those that satisfy their client’s wants but not necessarily their needs.

What We Now Know About the ACA’s Future

For years, people have been speculating about the future of the Affordable Care Act:

The Way People Get Care is Changing

The United States, as we’ve long been told, has the best health care system in the world. We have the best technology, top-notch medical providers, live-saving prescription drugs, and a free-market system that encourages innovation.

Some Industries are Hard Hit by COVID-19

2020 has been a rough year, and unfortunately the first part of 2021 could be pretty similar. The coronavirus pandemic has done significant damage to the economy, making it difficult for some of our clients to maintain their health insurance coverage. At the same time, there’s a dangerous virus out there, so people certainly recognize the need for health insurance. Demand is up, even if our clients’ ability to pay is less certain.

Health Insurance: Fixed vs. Variable Costs

A lot of agents are good at analyzing a client’s options, doing the math, and then recommending a plan that will save the client the most money. After all, that is a big part of the agent’s job: to provide analysis and advice to the client.

Dental Insurance in Layman’s Terms

We recently wrote about the expected increase in demand for individual health plans this fall. Millions of workers have lost their group coverage due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so they’ll be shopping for insurance in the individual market.

Sales Tip: Talk in Terms of Net Coverage

Life is full of risks, and as insurance agents, we help our clients reduce their exposure to some of these risks by selling them products that will indemnify them if they have a covered loss. However, as we all know, most insurance policies—and this is certainly true when talking about health insurance—do not provide total protection, and it’s impossible to insure everything.

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