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Client Retention: Strategies for Keeping Your Clients for Life

For many insurance agents and brokers, selling new business is our primary focus. Yet, we all know it’s easier and less expensive to keep a current client than it is to attract a new one. The secret to building a successful insurance practice is retaining clients over the long term; client retention is essential for the stability, growth, and profitability of an agency. In this article, we explore sensible strategies for maintaining enduring client relationships, emphasizing the importance of regular check-ins, personalized advice, adapting to clients' life changes, and leveraging technology for enhanced communication.

New Year, New Insurance: Why January Is the Perfect Time to Sell Life Insurance

The beginning of the year brings with it a sense of renewal and resolution, making early January an opportune time for clients to evaluate and enhance their life insurance coverage. With a little prodding from agents, clients can take important steps to secure their loved ones’ futures.

Why Slowing Down During Open Enrollment Is a Good Idea

During the busy open enrollment period, health insurance agents often find themselves racing against the clock, trying to assist as many clients as possible. However, this rush to move from one client to the next, though seemingly efficient, might not always be the most effective approach. Slowing down and investing more time in each individual client interaction can provide significant benefits for both the client and the agent. Here are a few reasons why:

Surviving the Fourth Quarter Frenzy

For agents and brokers, the fourth quarter of the year—marked by countless renewals, new enrollments, and client interactions—can feel like a whirlwind. With the overlap of the Annual Election Period for Medicare beneficiaries, the individual open enrollment period, and the most popular renewal time for group clients, managing time effectively and maintaining efficiency becomes crucial. So how can agents navigate this busy season, ensuring they meet their clients' needs without compromising their own well-being?

Premium Tax Credit Calculators

If you sell individual health insurance plans, then you no doubt know about the enhanced premium tax credits available through the end of 2025. During COVID, the tax credits were increased and the subsidy cliff (the 400% income level after which tax credits are not longer available) was eliminated for two years; these enhanced credits were later extended for an additional two years.

Finding the Best Medicare Plan for Your Clients

The Annual Election Period (AEP) is an important time of year for both insurance agents and the clients they serve. The AEP provides clients with an opportunity to review, assess, and make informed choices about their Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D plans. Unfortunately, many clients view this more as a chore than an opportunity because they are bombarded with ads on TV and by mail and the number of options can make the entire process seem overwhelming.

Individual Plan Offerings in 2024

As you probably know, 2023 saw the introduction of several “standardized” individual health plans designed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The 2023 Marketplace Rule from HHS required health insurers to offer “standardized QHP options designed by HHS at every product network type…, metal level, and throughout every service area that they offer non-standardized QHP options.” At the time, HHS “did not propose to limit the number of non-standardized plan options that issuers can offer but noted that” the Department would consider “whether it would be appropriate to do so in a future plan year.”

Are You Leaving Money on the Table by Not Cross-Selling Dental Insurance?

As a health insurance agent, you may be missing out on an opportunity to increase your earnings if you’re not cross-selling dental insurance to your existing clients. Dental insurance is a popular line of coverage and can provide valuable benefits to your clients while helping you grow your business. In this article, we will discuss why you should consider adding dental insurance to your product portfolio and offering it to your existing clients.

Why You Should Consider a Career in the Health Insurance Industry

The health insurance industry might not be the first thing that comes to mind when considering a new career path, but it has numerous benefits that make it an attractive option. If you’re looking for a flexible, rewarding, and stable career with a recurring income, becoming an independent health insurance agent might be the right choice for you. Here are some of the top reasons to consider a career in the health insurance industry.

Individual Market – Looking Ahead to 2024

The 2023 open enrollment period ended January 15, and if you’re like most brokers, you’re probably exhausted and ready for a break. That’s understandable – this was a record-breaking year. HHS reports that nearly 16 million people signed up for Marketplace coverage during the open enrollment period, a 13 percent increase over 2022. Actually, that report came with a few days left in the 2023 signup period, so the final numbers will likely be even higher.

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