Health Insurance: A Need for Immigrants, An Opportunity for Agents

Written by AHCP | 7/8/21 1:57 AM

Few topics can spark debate quicker than immigration. While many recognize and are sympathetic about the dire situation people are trying to escape when they choose to flee their home countries, others worry about the impact an influx of new residents will have on the United States’ economy and job market. It’s a huge issue that’s not easily solved, and offering solutions certainly isn’t the topic of this article.

Instead, our focus is on a real concern that people who arrive in the United States have, including recent immigrants, foreign students, and others: the need for health care and health insurance. 

In May, the Biden Administration issued a proclamation on health insurance for immigrants. As The Hill explains, President Biden “revoked a 2019 proclamation signed by then-President Trump that prevented immigrants from obtaining visas unless they proved they could obtain health insurance or pay for health care.” While Biden says that his administration is “committed to expanding access to quality, affordable healthcare,” he does not believe a rule “barring the entry of noncitizens who seek to immigrate lawfully to this country but who lack significant financial means” is in the best interest of the United States. 

According to BenefitsPro, the coverage requirement was actually “struck down by a judge in Oregon in November of 2019,” but “the Trump administration continued to challenge it in the courts.” A similar “public charge” rule that “would have allowed the government to deny green card applications from immigrants if they had sought public assistance through programs such as Medicaid” was put on hold due to the pandemic. The Biden administration has also decided not to enforce that rule.

Eliminating the requirement that immigrants to the United States obtain health insurance, however, does not eliminate the need for health coverage. Many countries around the world, including some of the countries with the highest number of new arrivals, offer a form of free health care to the majority of their citizens. That’s not the case in the United States. While we do have public programs like Medicaid that people can apply for, the requirements vary by state and not everyone qualifies. 

Here’s where you come in. There’s a big need for health insurance among recent immigrants, and it just so happens that you sell health insurance. That means there’s an opportunity. You may want to consider striking up relationships with immigration attorneys for referrals. They’re trying to help their clients, so many attorneys would be more than happy to share your information with them. 

The even better news is that there are insurance products that do not require the applicant to have a Social Security number, and AHCP offers one of those no-SSN-required solutions with PrimeCare limited benefit health plans. PrimeCare is a guaranteed issue plan regardless of your client’s health and residency status and offers clients a low cost option for accessing health care services. 

To learn more about PrimeCare or about any of the solutions AHCP offers that can help your clients, please visit the Carriers Page on the AHCP website or reach out to our Agent Services team at 877-228-8773. Remember, after we enter the fourth quarter, most agents are too busy to spend time learning about new solutions. The time to add products to your portfolio is now.